crossing the solent...
We can offer discount codes for both Wightlink and Red Funnel if you book directly with us - please ask when you contact us
Wightlink and Red Funnel ferries both operate services from the mainland to the the Isle of Wight and there are three vehicle crossing routes, listed below:
Lymington to Yarmouth - Wightlink (approx 35 minute crossing) www.wightlink.co.uk
Portsmouth to Fishbourne - Wightlink (approx 40 minute crossing) www.wightlink.co.uk
Southampton to East Cowes - Red Funnel (1hr crossing) www.redfunnel.co.uk
Yarmouth is the closest ferry port to Gate House (10 minute drive). All routes will be busy on a Saturday so it is important to book well in advance and allow plenty of time to catch your ferry
where we are...